Ośrodek Debaty Międzynarodowej Poznań




4 maja 2017 r, Koordynator RODM w Poznaniu wziął udział w otwarciu międzynarodowej konferencji akademickiej POZIMUN zorganizowanej na Uniwersytecie im. Adama Mickiewicza. 
Ośrodek RODM był jednym z patronów konferencji, na której po raz 4 już, studenci prawa symulują obrady Narodów Zjednoczonych.     
My name is Rafal Staniszewski and I am representing the Regional Center for International Debate here in Poznan.
I’d like to thank the organisers for giving me a chance to address you.
Regional Center for International Debate is a body that was commissioned by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to promote in Poznań and in the district where we live better understanding of topics that relate to international relations. In practical terms we help in understanding better politics, but also run some educational programmes for the local goverment or even lessons at schools.  They are all relating to politics but even more so to understanding economy, culture, history or social phenomena in today’s Europe or globally.
In simple terms we are an educational and informational center.

A couple of weeks ago we met with the organizers of this conference. I instantly felt  that we have to work together.
We have the same thing that we care about. It is promotion of dialogue and debate. We do it in different spheres, but the mechanism is the same – a debate.


Why do I feel passionate about the concept, about debate? It is because it helps bringing back rational arguments in our conversations. If you want to prepare a decent debate or a speech, you have to do research about the topic you are talking about. Debate helps to structure your thinking and relate to facts.
This is especially important in a world that we live in because facts, because the rationality, becasue the truth is being jeopardized today.
It is being replaced by post-truth, by fake news, by stereotypes, by pure lies.
So I am wishing you good debates, open dialogue, getting empathy for the other parties you will be talking to. But above all – I hope that reason and sticking to the facts will lead you in your discussions.
Thank you.
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